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环球通讯!AIC Talks | 心理学老师与人文老师聊聊「网络社交媒体与现实」

2023-06-02 11:19:26 来源:互联网

本学期最后一场AIC Talks「齐物达观」知识讲坛完美收官, 本场talk由AIC的学生福祉顾问/心理学教师 Misty,人文/西班牙语教师 Rosio作为主讲人, 演讲主题为「网络社交媒体与现实」。

The final AIC Talks of the semester provided a perfect ending; itwas lectured by AICSchool Counsellor/Teacher of Psychology Ms.Misty, andHumanities/Spanish Teacher, Mrs. Rosio.The talk was focused onSOCIAL MEDIA VS. REALITY.


Misty Karmakar

Teacher of Psychology


AIC School Counsellor



Misty was born in New Delhi and raised in Bangalore, India. She completed her Bachelors in Psychology Honours from Christ University, India and Masters in Counselling from Monash University, Australia. Having studied psychology for 8 years, Misty thoroughly enjoys academic research and continues to inform her practice through research. As a counsellor, she strives to make mental health care accessible to all students, to emphasise on its importance and de-stigmatise seeking support. She also aims to establish a community of care at AIC, which she hopes will empower students and teachers to support and empathise with one another. As an IB graduate herself, Misty truly believes in the IB philosophy of learning for life. In line with that, she believes that education should push students to achieve their unique potentials and equip them with skills that will allow them to succeed in life after school. She is passionate about teaching psychology, and is motivated to make her students" learning experiential and enjoyable. Respect is a key ingredient of Misty"s every interaction with students. Outside work, Misty enjoys travelling and the outdoors, playing football and video games, and reading.

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Rosio Pinto

Humanities Teacher


Spanish Teacher


Rosio在哥伦比亚出生和长大,在五个兄弟姐妹中排行第四。她是性格外向,喜欢与人互动,善于交友,她在课堂上快乐而有趣。她在许多不同的领域都有丰富的经验,她曾在大学教本科生和研究生,也在非洲和中国的高中教授多个学科:西班牙语,商务和地理。作为一个母语为西班牙语的人,Rosio将在即将到来的学年教授IB西班牙语。Rosio拥有萨拉曼卡大学的法学学位和塞尔奇奥 阿尔博莱达大学的国际贸易硕士学位,她将于8月开始攻读蒙特雷理工大学的教育学硕士学位。

Rosio was born and raised in Colombia, the fourth sibling of 5, she is an outgoing person who loves to interact with others, she makes friends easily and is jovial and fun in her classes. She has had a lot of experience in many different fields, she has worked at university level teaching both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as teaching a variety of subjects at high school level: Spanish, Business and Geography in Africa and China. As a native Spanish speaker Rosio will be teaching IB Spanish this coming academic year. Rosio has a degree in law from the Universidad de la Sabana and a Master"s in international trade from the Universidad Sergio Arboleda, she will be starting a Master"s in Education at the University Tech of Monterrey in August.

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截至2023年4月,全球有51.8亿互联网和社交媒体用户。虽然社交媒体已彻底改变了我们与他人交流、连接并分享信息的方式,但它也带来了一系列挑战。其中, 之一是社交媒体上的内容与我们日常经历的现实之间存在着不同之处。

As of April 2023, there are 5.18 billion internet and social media users worldwide. While social media has revolutionized the way we connect, communicate, and share information, it also presents a range of issues. One such issue is the dichotomy between what is presented on ‘social media’ versus the ‘reality’ of our everyday experiences.


Social media has created a distorted idea about the true meaning of living. On social media, people present pictures and videos of their carefully curated lives, showcasing "perfect jobs," "perfect relationships," and "perfect bodies," when reality is often quite different from what is portrayed. More concerning is the fact that some individuals misuse social media to spread misinformation and deceive their users and followers. Certain influencers, for example, may encourage young people to follow harmful diets or purchase products and ideas that have negative effects on their physical and mental health.

Misty与Rosio本次的AIC talk演讲旨在对社交媒体对我们生活的影响进行批判性评估。作为演讲者,他们分享了自己使用社交媒体的经验,并强调在网络世界里的我们有多容易成为这个现象的奴隶,追求着虚拟角色、照片和视频的完美。随着我们与虚拟世界的联系越来越紧密,与现实生活的相对隔离也变得更加明显,这为我们在这两个世界之间寻求平衡带来了新的挑战。

Our talk was a critical reflection on how social media impacts our lives. As speakers, we aimed to share our own experiences with using social media and highlight how easily we can become consumed by the movement, preoccupied by our online personas, photos, and videos in the pursuit of perfection. While we have become more connected to our virtual lives, we have also become increasingly disconnected from real life, posing a new challenge for individuals to find a balance between these two worlds.


While we addressed the negative effects of social media such as the reduced quality of relationships with family and friends, mental health issues, loneliness, etc, our goal was transmitting some useful tips to make healthier use of social media. These tips included having an awareness that social media is different from real life, using social media to connect rather than mindlessly scrolling, controlling time spent online, reflecting on the content we view and how it makes us feel, following accounts and pages that have a positive impact on us, and finally, showing up authentically and having a positive presence.

Don"t believe everything you see on social media; real life can be even more entertaining.


感谢中文科主任Caroline老师在本学期组织的每一场「齐物达观」知识讲坛活动, 通过长期开展齐物达观知识讲坛的活动,让学生增长见识、思考问题,培养学生的思辨能力和批判性思维, 期待学生们在一次次的学习中不断进步、通达明理,激励学生掀起学术新风, 将“终身学习”的观念贯彻落实。非常感谢Misty与Rosio老师为我们带来这次的知识盛宴。

Thank you to Caroline, Head of Chinese department, for organising each of the “AIC Talks” Knowledge Forum events this semester. Through the AIC Talks, will let students increase their knowledge, cultivate their thinking skills and critical thinking. Motivated students to set off a new academic trend, and get used to "lifelong learning". Thanks for Misty and Rosio bring us a fabulous talk,The Talk was appreciated by students and faculty alike.

我们也期待新学期的AIC Talks


The Talk was hugely enjoyable, and we look forward to the Talk in next academic year.



Now, we invite all AIC teachers, parents and students who would like to share their professional research, knowledge and wisdom as the keynote speaker at AIC Talks.

活动时间 |Date & Time


Wed, Week 2 (House Time)

16:00 - 16:50 pm

活动形式 |Form


40-45mins long personal speech

活动地点 |Location


AIC Theatre

讲座主题 | Topic


Keynote speakers are encouraged to make proposals based on their own interests and research in any academic field in Chinese or English. All sharing topics will be reviewed and confirmed by event organizers before publication.



